"Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person"
Según este interesante artículo titulado Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person hay tres causas principales a la hora de entender los altos índices de rotación por burnout en las empresas. La primera es la colaboración excesiva : "Excessive collaboration is a common ailment in organizations with too many decisio n makers and too many decision-making nodes . It manifests itself in endless rounds of meetings and conference calls to ensure that every stakeholder is heard and aligned." La segunda son los débiles conocimientos en gestión del tiempo : "In most large organizations today, the demand for collaboration has significantly outpaced the development of tools, disciplines and organizational norms to manage it. Most often, employees are left on their own to figure out how to manage their time in ways that will reduce stress and burnout. They have limited ability to fight a corporate culture in which overwork is the norm and even c