Michael Douglas tiene razón, necesitamos sistemas

En un paper llamado The Strategic Management Maturity Model encontré un párrafo que me encantó:
"Performance measurement also includes an assessment of the use of  technology in managing performance information. Spreadsheets and  paper documents for data collection are only adequate for the very  smallest, localized organizations. In most modern organizations the  collection and distribution of performance data requires an IT system  on a network, set up to allow appropriate users to see the data they  need in time to make decisions. The degree to which end users have  fast, reliable access to relevant, high-quality data thus becomes  another aspect of maturity in strategic management."
Algo parecido comenté en Cada vez que viaja un Excel, un gatito muere. Basta de farsas, como dice Michael Douglas, en esta película pochoclera, si tenemos problemas serios, necesitamos personas serias o en este caso, sistemas serios.

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