¿Transacciones o relaciones, una noche o un romance?

En estos días encontré un interesante artículo de David Maister titulado Do You Really Want Relationships? que me hizo acordar a un consultip que escribí hace tiempo: #consultip 131. Hay clientes que buscan hacer transacciones, otros generar relaciones. Mejor tener de estos últimos.

Si bien sigo pensando que en el mediano largo es mejor buscar tener relaciones con clientes y no transacciones, me agregó nuevas perspectivas y matices.

Destaco cinco puntos:

1. El camino de construir relaciones es exigente, arduo.

“Moving from a one-night-stand (transactional) mentality to a romance (relationship) mindset is not about incremental actions, but requires a complete reversal of attitudes and behaviors. One approach is not necessarily “better” than another, but there is a real choice to be made.”

2. Ser un experto es distinto a ser un asesor, seamos claros con qué tipo de relación tendremos.

“An expert’s job is to be right—to solve the client’s problems through the application of technical and professional skill. In order to do this, the expert takes responsibility for the work away from the client and acts as if he or she is “in charge” until the project is done.

The advisor behaves differently. Rather than being in the right, the advisor’s job is to be helpful, providing guidance, input, and counseling to the client’s own thought and decision-making processes. The client retains control and responsibility at all times; the advisor’s role is subordinate to this, not that of a prime mover.”

3. Las relaciones no son mejores que las transacciones siempre.

“After that, the transactional approach (focus on the getting the job done, not on the other person) allows you to remain detached and unengaged, which is very attractive to some people. You can emphasize the technical skills in which you trained, and not be stressed by the need for interpersonal, psychological, emotional, or political nuances. For many professionals, this is a great blessing.”

4. El riesgo de volver al cliente un enemigo.

“All too often, the client becomes a competitor for things the professional wants (money, challenge, or control), not a partner in getting them.

All this can lead to behavior that worsens the situation. Professionals act in ways that are pompous, patronizing, condescending, or arrogant, and the clients react to that by being (in turn) defensive, more guarded, and even less “relational.” Things begin to spiral.”

5. La idea de transacciones y romance es extensible a otros ámbitos.

“The issue of choosing between transactional and relationship approaches exists not only in dealings with clients but also in dealings with people inside the firm. […]

The very questions suggest a transactional viewpoint with the implication that we are just fine, it’s THEM who need to change. When I suggest solutions based on building relationships with these other people, my questioners are often frustrated.

“Only if you want them to respond to you,” I reply. “If your subordinates feel that you are prepared to work at a relationship with them, ensuring that both sides benefit, then they will give you more of what you want. That’s human nature, not a political or religious point.”

Creo que la moraleja es que debemos conocer a nuestros clientes y saber qué esperar de ellos. Con algunos podremos plantear relaciones, con otros sólo transacciones.

Seguimos pensando..


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