No Manager Movement

Desde hace un tiempo vengo siguiente este blog. He encontrado varios posts interesantes y, en general, el índice ALE le da bien (nivel de [A]nálisis, [L]ongitud del post y nivel de [E]escritura).

Hoy encontré un post llamado #NoManagers que “sorprendentemente” está muy alineado con cosas que he escrito aquí, aquí y aquí. Transcribo para los vagos:

Treehouse removed all their managers back in September – the whole series of posts is worth a read. I am avidly watching the no manager movement. Current thoughts are:

  • This type of horizontality only works for certain type of business. Software in particular can support this model because healthy organizations have tools which effectively do the work of managers around communications and knowledge management.
  • This type of model does not scale. My opinion is that somewhere around 200+ folks some type of manager/leader/conductor steps up to act in a management capacity. Happy to be proven wrong here.
  • In these #NoManager organizations, there are still managers. They don’t have the title, but the instinctively do the work because they’re good at it.

Aquellos que tengan artículos relacionados con este supuesto “no manager movement”, páselos por favor.

Seguimos pensando..


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