#Quote “there comes a time in a booming startup’s life when it’s important to pause for a bit and look in rather than up”–Phil Libin CEO of Evernote
En una carta escrita publicada en el Blog de Evernote, su CEO Phil Libin, se comprometió públicamente a trabajar sobre la declinante calidad de su producto Evernote. Destaco un párrafo que me pareció particularmente significativo:
“The past couple of years have been an amazing time for Evernote. We’ve grown massively as a company, a community and a product. And we’re still growing quickly. However, there comes a time in a booming startup’s life when it’s important to pause for a bit and look in rather than up. When it’s more important to improve existing features than to add new ones. More important to make our existing users happier than to just add more new users. More important to focus on our direction than on our speed. This is just common sense, but startups breathe growth and intentionally slowing down to focus on details and quality doesn’t come naturally to many of us. Despite this, the best product companies in the world have figured out how to make constant quality improvements part of their essential DNA. Apple and Google and Amazon and Facebook and Twitter and Tesla know how to do this. So will we. This is our central theme for 2014: constant improvement of the core promise of Evernote.”
He visto muchos productos/empresas donde la única preocupación es crecer en $$$ a costa de todo lo demás. Esto, no siempre significó el fracaso para ellos pero si una especie de traición para esos early-adopters que bancaron los primeros tiempos.
Creo que Libin por un lado hace una buena lectura de momento y contexto y por otro toma cartas en el asunto posicionando el problema como clave para la supervivencia del producto.
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