3 factores que provocan pérdida de tiempo en un proyecto
En mi post anterior sobre Critical Chain mencioné este artículo como un buen punto de partida para comprender el tema.
Ahora quiero citar un pasaje donde habla sobre 3 “time wasters” típicos dentro de un proyecto:
Multitasking It is recognised that multitasking – i.e. working on more than one task concurrently – introduces major delays in completing tasks. See these articles by Johanna Rothman and Joel Spolsky, for a discussion of why this is so. I’ve discussed techniques to manage multitasking in an earlier post.
Student syndrome This should be familiar to any one who’s been a student. When saddled with an assignment, the common tendency is to procrastinate until the last moment. This happens on projects as well. “Ah, there’s so much time. I’ll start later…” Until, of course, there isn’t very much time at all.
Parkinson’s Law states that “work expands to fill the allocated time.” This is most often a consequence of there being no incentive to finish a task early. In fact, there’s a strong disincentive from finishing early because the early finisher may be a) accused of overestimating the task or b) rewarded by being allocated more work. Consequently people tend to adjust their pace of work to just make the scheduled delivery date, thereby making the schedule a self-fulfilling prophecy.
He hablado sobre estos dos últimos en Estimaciones (5): {sobre | sub} estimación cuando comentaba la importancia de no sobre estimar.
Sobre la primera, indirectamente, hablé en la satisfacción de hacer foco. Aquí el sentido de hacer foco también tiene que ver con terminar rápido la tarea de alto impacto y luego dedicarnos a temas menores.
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