Tiempo, Talento y Enegía: la clave para los buenos resultados

Hace unos días hablaba sobre los desperdicios en la oficina, esas cosas que le cuestan realmente caras a las empresas y que no resultan obvias de detectar. Casi siempre todo puede mapearse a pérdida de tiempo o retrabajo de los empleados.

En este artículo Michael Mankins, de Bain, habla sobre el tema planteándolo en tres ejes: Tiempo, Talento y Energía.

Respecto al primero dice:
"And so time essentially is how much of the organization's time is actually invested in activities that create value for customers. And alternatively, how much of that is wasted as a result of what we call organizational drag—those factors that lead to these endless email chains, these endless meetings that produce no real outcome, or even that result in interactions that occur between organizations that really aren't necessary in order to produce value for the customer."
 Y sobre el último dice:
"It turns out not to be. It's how much discretionary energy each employee brings to work every day and invests on behalf of the customer [that] is what actually determines their level of productivity."
Lo que destaco del artículo que traduce esta idea intuitiva que todos tenemos de que hay que enfocar bien la energía y usar inteligentemente el tiempo a los resultados diciendo que 
"research that we did a few years ago with the Economist Intelligence Unit, the research arm of The Economist, found that there's a 40% differential: that the best are 40% more productive than the rest."
Seguimos pensando.. 


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